Wednesday, March 14, 2012


At first, I didn't take the Meatrix episodes seriously but then they actually made me put my thoughts into a new perspective.  We have a mindset of where we think our meat comes from, and we try to avoid the reality of where it really does come from.  It is common for individuals to think our meat comes from the typical family farm and do not realize that the meat comes from animals that are factory farmed.

While I was watching the several videos, I couldn't help but think about if factory farming was occuring anywhere near where I live.  Since these types of farms are often hidden amongst many different towns, I would not be surprised.

Monday, March 12, 2012


Genetically Modified foods are thought to possibly lessen problems of hunger and starvation by boosting food production. However, critics of biotechnologies such as genetically modified crops, find that agricultural companies are the ones that benefit more from the GM crops than the poor and the hungry do.  This does not seem right to me since the whole point of it is to help the poor. Sure, there are benefits of GM crops and some people strongly support them, but others do not.  While reading in Real Texts, I was surprised at the different ways it was saying to use your information in persuasive essays.  It gave many ideas that I think will be very beneficial when I am writing future persuasive essays.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

“Feds Link Water Contamination to Fracking for the First Time”

Underground water pollution and hydraulic fracturing are being linked.  Due to the gas drilling process that has been occurring in many of our states, there are contaminants that are causing underground water pollution.  A specific case of this is in Pavillion, Wyoming.  Ever since the mid-1900’s, residents near Pavillion have complained that their drinking water has worsened.  This began occurring after gas wells were fracked nearby.  The EPA determined that the contamination in this town had most likely seeped up from gas wells.  The mixing of hydraulic fracturing fluids with ground water caused many different compounds to be formed.  The company that owns the Pavillion wells says that it was naturally caused and that the company’s actions were not to blame.  However, the EPA concluded that the contamination had to have been caused by fracking.  Members of congress are now considering proposals to regulate fracking.