Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Colorado River & Pollution

Many people take enjoyable things for granted, such as white water rafting.  In order for individuals to continue enjoying white water rafting in the Colorado River, higher action needs to be taken.  Many individuals do not realize how serious the water pollution problems in the Colorado River are becoming.  The pollution problems are due to radioactive material, toxic chemicals, and human waste.  These sources of pollution enter the Colorado River through contaminated groundwater.  Not only does the pollution problems affect white water rafting, it also affects the 25 million people who drink its water as well as the surrounding wildlife and parks. 


1 comment:

  1. Krista,

    I really like how you showed people having fun white water rafting in your link. It is a little deceiving to what is going on because it does not show how much people are polluting the river from this sport. Many people will just throw out trash into the river. This pollution makes it hard for fish such as salmon to survive. Many rafting companys have put out trashcans on the side of the river to stop this pollution. If everyone would take a few extra minutes out of their trip to put their trash in the right place, it would create a much cleaner river.
