Thursday, January 19, 2012


I have never used Google Alerts before so it is very new to me.  I didn’t know that it even existed.  Over the past few days, I have been getting alerts on the topics of Air Pollution and Air Quality from the most popular resources on the internet.  Google Alerts makes research and current information on a topic easy to find, especially since I receive the alerts via email.  Another new thing to me was the idea of following an account on Twitter that is all about environmental issues.  I didn’t know that there were these types of Twitter accounts, and I think that it is a pretty interesting way to stay updated with environmental issues.
Sustainability is used to make sure that we continue to have the resources and materials to protect our health and environment.  Air pollution is the sustainability issue that I brought up in my last blog post.  There are many concerns about the environment due to rapid population growth, economic growth, and consumption of our natural resources.  If the air pollution issue isn’t taken care of, then our environment may eventually die out.  Sustainability is important because it is crucial that this does not happen.  The EPA is trying to make sustainability the next level of environmental protection.  They plan on doing this by using the advances in science and technology to protect the environment as well as human health.

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